Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~ Magical Me(Part I) :: The journey begins as Witch ~

Sometimes you need something unreal to realise your dreams. Sometimes, after you get to live your dream, the thing, you thought to be unreal, actually turns out to be the most true to you.Sometimes the real world make you upset so much that you just want to confide into something very ecstasic, something very interesting. and forget all the hardships of life.
Becoming an orkut member was just following trends(?)..but naturally after sometimes, you get bored of it, with liars, with flirts and with some really dumb or superficial persons around you.And yes, like the real world, virtual net world becomes boring and blah blah blah..
Fortunately I am a big movie bluff. I remember the day I went to see Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone at a nearby hall Ashoka with Mom and Bro.I was little then and honestly I could not make out what's going on the screen. Totally clueless and confused with the English dialogues.All I understood was that, there's a boy, who din't know he was a wizard, and one day a monstrous man(I couldn't get the name then ..lol) took him to a new world, where everything is magical.Talking potraits, changing staircases,Hogwarts express, three headed dog, Quidditch,some black things into which trio were almost strangled( Devil's snare) and another thing called friendship.I was so excited and yes, I wanted to read the book. Then came another two movies, and I started reading books slowly. I was addicted blindly.I could feel myself with ghosts, being watched upon by some snapy(eww) and whenever I saw some plants potted , I used to think ..Mandrakes!! hehe
So coming back to Orki, I used to open my profile may be five times a week. And generally surfed internet about HP and study stuffs.Then one day I thought I will be a witch, a real witch. So when I was thinking ..what character to take, I thought of Padma Patil. because she was Indian and she was more cute than Parvati. :D .I searched for ravenclaw mates and found Cho chang, never ever talked to her in muggle ways. My first scrap was probably.." hey Cho, remember me? your room mate" .Then we became friends and she showed me some Wizarding World community with more or less 40 members. Only 3-5 people were active there. I had probably 2-3 class and made Honeydukes. I love candies :P .Then one day some Albus called me into another Wizarding world, where I duelled for the first time . Aww, I was so nervous, yet very confident about my spell works, I learned some spells that day only.I fought Voldy..lol. But I was not that attached to these communities. Yes, this is true that these two places made me feel like a real witch for first time. They are really good memories, I am fond of. But this is also true, what I found in My Hogwarts , was something ,never felt before.I really made fuss, when I was asked to unjoin these communities, But NO regrets. Something greater, something more magical was on it's way to my life. Loads of things changed afterwards and I am now a Happy Witch......

will soon be back with ~Magical Me (Part II)~ :P
~Negative Girl with Positive Attitude~

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The prelude

I dunno why I chose to start a blog..May be because I have read many blogs of my friends..at some point I also felt a need to write my things..the things I consider..the things that come to my mind. Very notably I have never maintained a diary..I mean to say a personal diary. I have always been so lazy to pen down things.But I always expressed my feelings through drawings, paintings and few sketches. So I know the things I will write here(actually type here) will not be politically, grammatically correct . Still I guess I will continue writing.
Some days ago I was updating my "about me" at orkut. and I asked one of my friend to read it. She read and commented. I thought why not Orki starts new feature of giving comment on about me. hehe. I know mad idea..so am I. Just then idea of blogging strike me and I asked myself...why not? Sadly I have lost the habit of sketching. And now whenever I think I will do some, I just sit blank with paper,pencils and eraser. Aww..what happened to me? I am changed..hmm. I heard the phrase.."Change is the only constant thing in life"..I think I have realized it by heart. So..if no drawing..then course some writing(err..typing again ..I mean). I will see....I mean I want to test me too...If I can really write something. express myself. ..err...hmm. Ok that's just the beginning.
Lastly I think..
My life is an open book..I don't really hide things.
But that doesn't mean you can read or make out everything of it। ;)

see you (and me too) soon here। :D
~Negative girl with Positive attitude~