Thursday, November 20, 2008

The prelude

I dunno why I chose to start a blog..May be because I have read many blogs of my some point I also felt a need to write my things..the things I consider..the things that come to my mind. Very notably I have never maintained a diary..I mean to say a personal diary. I have always been so lazy to pen down things.But I always expressed my feelings through drawings, paintings and few sketches. So I know the things I will write here(actually type here) will not be politically, grammatically correct . Still I guess I will continue writing.
Some days ago I was updating my "about me" at orkut. and I asked one of my friend to read it. She read and commented. I thought why not Orki starts new feature of giving comment on about me. hehe. I know mad am I. Just then idea of blogging strike me and I asked myself...why not? Sadly I have lost the habit of sketching. And now whenever I think I will do some, I just sit blank with paper,pencils and eraser. Aww..what happened to me? I am changed..hmm. I heard the phrase.."Change is the only constant thing in life"..I think I have realized it by heart. So..if no drawing..then course some writing(err..typing again ..I mean). I will see....I mean I want to test me too...If I can really write something. express myself. ..err...hmm. Ok that's just the beginning.
Lastly I think..
My life is an open book..I don't really hide things.
But that doesn't mean you can read or make out everything of it। ;)

see you (and me too) soon here। :D
~Negative girl with Positive attitude~


Anonymous said...

a cool blog...

get it wells haped with some posts..

all d best

Anonymous said...

jayi rockzz!!
read ur posts!
nyc attempt!
keep it up!

Anonymous said...

keep it up miss negative girl.....hope you ride forward with all the positive attitude.... :P